1:1 Marketing Sessions for Spiritual & Creative business owners

grow your business while taking ALL the naps with zero anxiety about your to-do, and still waking up to messages of people wanting to work with you

Marketing Magic

Is Muggle marketing draining the life out of you?

I’m not surprised - Traditional marketing isn’t for you!

You’ve been trying to make your magical offers fit into pretty corporate business templates… but that’s not you!

Whether you’re a spiritual or a creative business owner (or both, like me!)

You’re changing the World with your gifts. You have big projects that WILL impact the world in a big way.

Your energy is powerful and you can feel it’s waiting to be unleashed. But for now… you’re stuck!

You’re at a loss when it comes to promoting what you do because:

  • You can’t find the right words to explain your work

  • You don’t even know where to start for bringing your business to the next stage

  • You feel like no one online is listening, and yet feel obliged to keep posting consistently

  • You feel overwhelmed with all the new (TikTok) trends to follow

  • You’ve tried ALL the things and your next step isn’t clear.

🤯 You either have ALL the ideas and none of the structure (so you start posting, making videos, doing all the things… and then stop).

🏃🏻‍♀️Or you run yourself to the ground by keeping to a fixed schedule - leaving your bright, creative self behind you.

🪬 Or maybe you’re a seasoned entrepreneur who needs a fresh perspective on your marketing.

Either way… I can help you!

Marketing magic

Marketing magic

Hi! I’m Marion Chloé Theis, MSc.

As a fellow spiritual + creative entrepreneur with a background in marketing + business, I’m THE person people turn to when they’ve tried everything else to make it work with their spiritual business.

Read more about my story here

Let me explain why people like you hire me:

🎓 I have all the fancy degrees:

- A Bachelor in Social Sciences and Communications (basically psychology applied to marketing).

- A Master’s degree in Business Management + a Master of Science in Entrepreneurship from EDHEC Business School (#3 in France).

👩🏻‍💻 I have experience working for 10+ years in Marketing! I have worked with 30+ small and medium businesses and non-profits, from projects just starting out to scale-ups.

I’ve helped them in growing their online presence in various industries (marketing, online business, Human Resources, or e-learning) in a variety of roles, from Brand Consultant to Content strategist, PR, and Copywriter.

🧘🏻‍♀️ I’ve gone through my own journey as a spiritual biz owner who tried really hard to make muggle marketing work - applying all the strategies I learned and yet…

It felt gross and stressed me out more than anything. I was focusing on following “the rules” without listening to my intuition, or working on my mindset (and I’m not talking about repeating affirmations here).

So basically I wasn’t getting anything done cause I was super stressed and beating myself up for it (sounds familiar?). But once I let it go and embraced the magical way to grow my business using MY energy, everything changed.

I have learned a lot in those years running an online business, and now I combine all my knowledge + tools + hands-on experience to help small business owners like YOU find a marketing strategy that works WITH your energy.

So here I am: part Marketing Consultant, Spiritual Teacher, and Hypnotherapist!

Because you need all 3 to grow your business with EASE:

  • Marketing for your people to find you and pay you

  • Spirituality to understand how to make the most of your energy

  • Empowering beliefs to actually stop procrastinating and take action

The results? After your Marketing Magic session with me, you will:

  • Feel GOOD + confident when talking about your business and your offers 📣

  • Communicate CLEARLY so people (even muggles!) understand exactly what you do 🎯

  • Work way less, and have more time to dedicate to proper rest + creativity 🍃

  • Let go of the guilt, pressure, and never-ending to-do lists 📝

  • Welcome clients into your world easily, just by showing up as YOURSELF 💁🏻‍♀️

That means: more people buying from you and referring you to their network. This leads to more sales, more profits (I’m all for working smarter, not harder!), and also more FUN!

It’s marketing, YOUR way

With all your quirks and funny obsessions (Harry Potter fan, anyone?)

And none of the « shoulds » found in the hustle culture 🙅🏻‍♀️

I’ll teach you how to tap into the energy of your business AND how to take aligned action (most coaches or consultants only do one of those)

Are you ready to embrace your magic and unleash your business?

Then let’s start with 1 session.
You, me, and a notepad for all the ideas that are going to come up ✨


90 minutes session on Zoom
Leave with a marketing plan that feels GOOD and totally doable

You’ll go from « I’m unmotivated/inconsistent/overwhelmed with my marketing » to
« OMG this is SO easy and exciting, I can’t believe I didn’t think about it before! » (true story)

Your investment: £260 (about $300USD or 300€)


My session with you was extraordinary. We talked during the lunch of my new program and it really helped me. I have 50 people on board!!! It’s my new « sales record » in such a short time. I still want to keep going, but totally with the flow. I feel more light, more relaxed. Thank you!” — Magda, Spiritual Life & Business Coach.

« Marion clearly saw who I am what I do and clarified in one session how I was getting in my own way in expressing my Ceremonial Offerings. She gave me detailed feedback, clear and concise language to use. She’s thorough. She’s bright. Trust her and all will be well ». — Melanie, Indigenous Ceremonialist.

“ I was feeling stuck and overwhelmed about my social media marketing. I had a hunch Marion would be able to identify the obstacle standing in my way. And she did! Her insights helped me see where I was holding back on what I was sharing and making the whole experience more arduous than it needed to be. The shift was immediate.

Now I have a greater sense of peace and ease not only around my marketing but also my work in general. If you’re struggling with your marketing, I highly recommend working with Marion. — Siobhan, Midlife Mentor & Writer.

Want more inspiration?

Here are some ideas of what we can work on during a Marketing Magic session:

  • Coming up with creative ideas for your marketing + offers,

  • Defining your brand + the words you use to describe your business and services,

  • Setting up systems in your business so you can work less and earn more,

  • Adding new income streams $$$$,

  • Figuring out what comes next for your business.

By the end of our session, you’ll have a clear roadmap you’re actually excited about, that’s manageable because it’s based on you + your energy.

If you want more long-term support after our first call, that’s possible too. We can talk about it then - now, let’s start with one session!

If you’re seriously considering signing up but would like to ask a few questions first - you know, to make sure I’m a real human who has your best interests at heart, and that I can actually help you - you can book a complimentary 20min call with me here.

That’s 20min where I’ll listen to you, and honestly tell you if I can help you or not.